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What is a Fullblood Boer Goat?

The American Boer Goat Association (ABGA) Rules and Regulations define purebreds as follows:


Fullblood Boer Goats must have originated from 100% Fullblood stock, either imported or American born. 


What is a Purebred Boer Goat?

The American Boer Goat Association (ABGA) Rules and Regulations define purebreds as follows:


American Purebred Boer Goat Does must have a minimum of 93.75% and less than 100% Boer blood and originate from any combination of Fullblood, American Purebred, or American Percentage parents whose average percentage falls within the requirements for this category of registration. Does in this category become eligible to be shown in the same classes as Fullblood Boer goats.


American Purebred Boer Goats Bucks must have a minimum of 96.875% and less than 100% Boer blood and originate from any combination of Fullblood, American Purebred, or American Percentage parents whose average percentage falls within the requirements for this category of registration. Bucks in this category are eligible to be shown in the same classes as Fullblood Boer goats.


​What is a Percentage Boer Goat?

The American Boer Goat Association (ABGA) Rules and Regulations define purebreds as follows:


American Percentage Boer Goat Does must have a minimum of 25% and less than 93.75% Boer blood and originate from any combination of Fullblood, American Purebred, American Percentage, or unregistered parents whose average percentage falls within the requirements for this category of registration.


American Percentage Boer Goat Bucks must have a minimum of 50% and less than 96.875% Boer blood and originate from any combination of Fullblood, American Purebred, American Percentage, or unregistered parents whose average percentage falls within the requirements for this category of registration​


What is a Commercial Boer Goat?

Commercial Boer Goats are those goats sold without registration papers. This could be due to the goat not meeting breed standards or not having the genetic records for the goat.


​What is a Wether Bred Boer Goat?

Wether Bred Boer Goats differ in their look and purpose from registered Boer goats. 4-H, FFA, and Jackpot shows tend to prefer a Wether Bred style. They tend to be more tubular in length and cleaner fronted, almost appearing much like a club lamb.  They also tend to be smaller and grow slower, which allows for a longer show carrier with 4-H, FFA and Jackpot showmen. Wether Bred Boer Goats do not have to meet ABGA Breeding Standards since they are not registered. ​


Which type of Boer Goats do you sell?

We have been selling registered Boer goats since 2016. During this time we have received many requests for 4-H and FFA show stock. In 2023 we decided to dip our toes into the Wether Bred world! Our first Wether Bred babies were born in May 2024. We are excited to step into this new world and help those looking for excellent Wether Bred stock at reasonable prices, while continuing to produce fantastic registered stock!



© 2021 by GinnyBoerGoats

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