(N165) GGTX KEEPING THE LIGHTS OFF (10979165) is a 100% fullblood black and white dapple doe. She is almost 2 years old and is ready to breed. She sells open to breed to your buck! Her sire is 1102 RONR LIGHTS OUT (10809388) a fantastic all black buck. Her dam is a red and white paint doe, RR1 SKYLARS KEEPER (10850550).
Date of Birth: 05/11/2023
- Teats: P3xP3
- Pigment: Good
- Bite: Good
We require 50% deposit to hold an animal, with full payment due before the animal is shipped or at time of pick up. If something weird should happen and the animal die, the deposit will be refunded; however, other than that we do not offer refunds. If goat kids are not picked up within a week from weaning, we charge $2.00 per day for feed and care. If the goat kid is not taken within 4 weeks of weaning the deposit is forfeited and the kid will be put back up for sale. Once the animal has been paid for and picked up, breeder is no longer responsible for the wellbeing or placement of the animal.